Hampton Court Palace 10k Volunteer Brief 2022

Firstly, thank you for joining the Official Hampton Court Palace 10k for our second ever event! I hope you enjoy the day.

For helping out you will receive:

2 x free RunThrough UK races

1 x RunThrough Kit T-shirt (RRP £22)

1 x 15% discount code at one of the UK’s leading online retailers, SportsShoes.com

Access to the Palace Gardens after the event


To claim your free races, you will need to head to: https://www.runthrough.co.uk/eventstimeline/ and select your race. Your code allows you to pick 2 races only ☺

To claim your 15% discount at SportsShoes.com you will need to head to: https://www.sportsshoes.com/ and use your code at checkout.

To claim your RunThrough Kit T-Shirt, you will need to head to: https://www.runthroughkit.com/volunteertshirts/ pick your colour and size and use your code at checkout.

**the coupon box for your code is at the top of the payment page on RunThrough Kit, not the bottom. Some people get confused with the gift card box which is located at the bottom**


Your codes will be given to you race day by Jess or another member of the RunThrough team at the end of the event. Once the morning has finished you will be free to stay in the Palace Gardens all afternoon until they close at 17:30pm





Arrival Times

Early team: 5am
Late team: 7am


Please email [email protected] if you would like to be in the early team at 5am, joining this team will mean you will be setting up the event so lifting will be required.


**You will be compensated with additional races and a T-shirt if you are in the early team**



All staff will be required to meet at Flower Pot Gate on Hampton Court Road at their specific arrival time, Flower Pot Gate is located around 100m to the left-hand side of The Kings Arms Hotel, see images below. Upon arrival at the gate, you will be asked your name to sign in and you will be given an event staff Lanyard and Hi Vis. Your colour Hi vis determines the role you have requested. A green Hi Vis means you are COURSE MANAGEMENT and an orange hi vis means you are EVENT VILLAGE/FINISH LINE HOST. If you were flexible and did not have a preference, we have allocated you your role and the colour hi vis will be issued on the day. *Our Marshal brief will be taking place at 7:15-7:30am at the Marshal sign in tent located in the event village*









  • If you are in the early team which will be arriving at 5am you will be allowed to park in the main Hampton Court Palace car park, the location for this is: Hampton Court Palace, Hampton Court Way, Molesey, East Molesey KT8 9AU. Upon arrival at the gate, you will be required to give your name so it can be checked against your registration. We will also require you to send us your vehicle registrations if you are in the early team at 5am only as soon as possible so we can get your vehicle registered. Once you have parked it is just a short walk through the Palace Rose Garden and Wilderness before reaching Flower Pot Gate to sign in.
  • If you are in the late team arriving at 7am you will be required to park in Bushy Park. Please note that Bushy Park is now a ‘No Through Road’ so access to the correct carpark will be entering off Hampton Court Road only and up Chestnut Avenue, see image below.
  • Some marshal points on the course require vehicle access so if you have requested COURSE MANAGEMENT as your role for the day, please let me know as you might be required to park on Hampton Court Road by the meeting point at Flower Pot Gate upon arrival to allow you quick access to drive to your marshal position after your brief.




On race day there is a high possibility runners will ask you about the course so here is a brief overview of the course and the locations they run past alongside a map to explain this ☺

The Palace 10k is a flat and picturesque course which starts and finishes inside Hampton Court Palace. Running at this historic venue offers not only a perfect opportunity to run a personal best but to visit and run inside one of the UK’s major tourist attractions. The race starts within the Palace grounds and heads out alongside the Tow Path adjacent to the Thames. Once you reach the end of the Towpath, you shall turn left and enter Home Park for roughly 5k before a sprint finish inside the Palace grounds.




If you are on Course Management your role will be supporting and cheering the runners on the course in a specific position given by our team leaders. Your team leaders would have allocated your position before the event so please do let us know if you are looking to be placed somewhere specific.

Some marshal positions require you to drive to your position so please let your team leader know via email if you do not have a vehicle as we can re allocate you ahead of time.

ALL course management staff are required to download the app called ‘What3Words’. What3Words is a free app that also does not require you to sign up << WIN WIN. If you are on the course, you will be given your ‘What3Words’ location before the event and also reminded of this on the day during your brief.

You will be issued a marshal bag during your brief which will include, tambourines (outside of home park marshals only due to deer), recycling bags, gloves, water. You will also be given a medic card which will include 3 numbers:

Please call number 1 on your card which will be our course lead: This number will be for anything course related I.e., a problem with a resident, a sign has fallen off, external parties/pedestrians requesting information you are unsure of.

Please call number 2 on your card which will be our event village lead: This number will be for anything related to our event village i.e., baggage questions, general runner questions or any other query you may have.

Please call number 3 on your card in red which will be for the medical team: This number will be for anything related to the health and safety of our runners I.e., a runner has taken ill, sustained an injury or any other medical assistance.

It is super important that you have your ‘What3Words’ at hand when calling the medics, you will be required to quote your ‘What3Words’ when they answer.



If you are allocated event village host or finish line assistant you will be helping out within the event village, this may include bag drop, registration, start line assisting, crowd management and way finding.

Finish line assistant will include, preparing the finish line goodies for finishers, handing out medals, taking photographs for runners, litter sweeping and way finding. Your specific role within these areas will be given to you by your team leader if you have not requested anything specific. Any problems during your role and you cannot find assistance, please call your team leader via the number provided during your brief.



  • Help clear water bottles: It is super important that we keep the Palace, gardens and all other locations around the course as clean as possible so if you do come across water bottles, please help us and pick up any bottles you may come across by squeezing the remainder of water out and throwing in a bin or bin bag.
  • Try to assist as many runners as possible and if you do not know the answers, please call the EVENT VILLAGE number on your marshal card.
  • Take photos and videos of your experience and post in the WhatsApp group on event day, our team are looking to create a video of the event and we would love to have you all involved.
  • Cheer on as many people along the way! You never know just how much your support can change a runner’s experience


  • Wear headphones: Runners and staff may need your assistance both on course and in the event, village so please remove headphones for the duration of the event.
  • Smoke: We ask that you refrain from smoking for the duration of the event both on course and in the event village. If you wish to smoke, we ask that you do so before arriving.
  • Guess an answer: If you are unsure on a runner question, please explain to them that you are not sure and you will contact someone who can help. Do not guess your response as this could hinder the runners experience on the day. You can call the EVENT VILLAGE number on your marshal card and they will be able to help you!
  • Leave your position without letting somebody know or being given the go ahead to do so. The runners rely on you and your positions so if you do need to leave a position on course management, please call number 1 on your marshal card. If you are in the event village and need to leave a position, please ask the team leader or call number 2 on your marshal card.



  • Please feel free to bring snacks/lunch with you. Unfortunately, there will not be a designated lunch time but you are welcome to eat during the event. You are also welcome to bring any food and keep it in the event village if you plan to spend the day in the Palace Gardens after the event.
  • The weather looks clear and sunny with highs of around 20 degrees on Sunday 22nd May so please wear clothing that will keep you protected from the sun and even sun-cream if you wish.
  • We have a number of stalls supplying hot drinks and food, alongside retail stalls so if you wish to purchase anything on the day all stalls will take card and cash payments.

I look forward to meeting you all on Sunday 22nd May!

Jatila and the Hampton Court Palace Team.